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Gender equity is defined as: “fairness of treatment for women and men, according to their respective needs[, which] … may include equal treatment or treatment that is different, but which is considered equivalent in terms of rights, benefits, obligations, and opportunities” (Forbes, 2017). Gender equity has become a buzzword globally across corporate corridors to create an equitable workplace and be a socially responsible company. However, ground realities reveal that equitable workplace is excessively tilted toward men, leaving the women highly vulnerable. For example, if there is only one woman in a recruitment round, her selection chances, statistically speaking, are negligible. There are many factors behind such unfair treatment. One of them is motherhood. According to the Equality and Human Rights Commission, cited in the Guardian (2015), “around 54,000 new mothers are losing their jobs across Britain every year – almost twice the number identified in similar research undertaken in 2005.” Such instances abound the corporate world. With this backdrop, this campaign is an attempt to tell the corporate bosses (CBs) the following things. Dear CBs, do you know that women are at disadvantageous positions than men physically and biologically (and these disadvantages are Nature and society created)? They work both at home as well as at office? They raise kids—the future of humankind? Being a mom is the equivalent of 2.5 full-time jobs? They are the bearers of human life? If they won’t cooperate, you may have to run you show with lifeless robots very soon! So, be ecologically rational and facilitate women to work for less number of days than men for the same salary bracket. This is because, as a part of your social responsibility, you, the CBs, need to rejuvenate them continuously for a sustainable future for the humankind. So, in the spirit of genuine equitable business, enable them to work for less number of days. They deserve it on the basis the injustices that have been inflicted upon them by of Mother Nature and society. before I key off, lemme tell you the CBs that this isn't feminism but humanism. Thank you!

Forbes (2015). Why We Need Gender Equity Now. Retrieved from
Guardian (2015). Maternity leave discrimination means 54,000 women lose their jobs each year. Retrieved from


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